- Eat small meals every few hours (2.5 to 4 hours) or eat 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks distributed throughout the day (Rationale)
- See Exchange Lists for food groups
- Eat 3 food groups every meal
- Eat 2 food groups every snack
- Plan meals around moderate or intense exercise
- Plan snack or meal 1 to 2 hours before
- Eat higher carbohydrates meal very soon after exercise (Rationale)
- carbohydrates and quality proteins in approximately a 4:1 ratio
- post-workout meal should be 10 - 20% of total daily caloric intake
- eat a Starch or Fruit exchange for carbohydrates
- See Exchange Lists for food groups
- Eat protein every meal and snack
- Eat lower fat Meat or Meat Substitute or Milk exchange.
- Combine foods to compliment proteins (optimizes amino acid ratio)
- Eat legumes (beans, peas, lentils, peanuts) with grains, seeds, or nuts
- Eat grains with milk or cheese.
- Eat fruits or vegetables every meal and snack (Rationale)
- Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables (see vegetables and starchy vegetables)
- See Vegetable and Fruit Color Codes
- Eat vitamin C rich foods
- At least 1 serving a day
- Citrus fruit, tomatoes, fresh melons, strawberries
- Eat cruciferous vegetables (cabbage family)
- At least 3 servings per week
- Cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, cress, and bok choy
- Eat vitamin A rich foods
- At least 1 serving every other day
- Dark leafy greens, and dark yellow foods
- Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables (see vegetables and starchy vegetables)
- Eat foods with fiber (Rationale)
- Whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and legumes (beans, peas, lentils)
- Eat calcium rich foods
- Milk, yogurt, cheese
- Green leafy vegetables, kelp, bean sprouts, tofu, garbonzo beans, canned salmon, sardines, or jack mackerel (with tiny bone particles), oysters, figs, almonds, chestnuts, filberts, sesame seeds.
- Eat healthy fats and limit less healthy fats
- Include sources of Omega-3 fats
- fatty fish, walnuts, flax seed, chia seeds, avocado, beans, winter squash
- Consume mono-unsaturated fats (Rationale)
- olives, avocado, almonds, cashews, pecans, peanuts, sesame seeds
- olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil
- Limit consumption of Omega-6 Poly-unsaturated fats (Rationale)
- salad dressing, mayonnaise
- corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil
- check food label for oils high in Omega-6
- Consider moderating saturated fat based on caloric requirements (Rationale and Counter Argument)
- leaner meats or meat substitutes
- lower fat milk and yogurt
- Eliminate extraneous sources of Trans-fats (Rationale)
- Avoid hydrogenated fats
- used in products to increase shelf life
- check food labels
- Avoid hydrogenated fats
- Do not exceed cooking oil's smoke point (Rationale)
- Include sources of Omega-3 fats
- Limit refined foods
- Eat whole foods whenever possible
- Limit white bread, cereals, and other processed foods
- Limit sugar consumption
- found in soda pop, juices, and sweets
- check food labels to detect hidden sugars
- see finding sugar on food labels
- Limit alcohol consumption to no more than one serving per day
- Limit cured and smoked products
- Salt-cured, smoked, nitrite cured foods
- Avoid plastic food and beverage containers (Rationale)
- Particularly when choosing and storing acidic foods or foods containing fats
- Especially when heating food in microwave
- Avoid commercially canned foods and aluminum cans with plastic linings
- Eat a variety of foods from each food group every day (Rationale)
- Try new foods
| © Muscular Science 2013 |
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