Free Full Abstracts and Articles About Exercise, Power Training, Stretching & Flexibility, and Testing
- 2005: The science of cycling: factors affecting performance - part 2.
- 2005: The science of cycling: physiology and training - part 1.
- 2003: The effects of Bodymax high-repetition resistance training on measures of body composition and muscular strength in active adult women.
- 2003: Fifteen-day cessation of training on selected physiological and performance variables in women runners.
- 2002: Training techniques to improve endurance exercise performances.
- 2002: Importance of health science education for personal fitness trainers.
- 2002: Training techniques to improve endurance exercise performances.
- 2001: Long-term metabolic and skeletal muscle adaptations to short-sprint training: implications for sprint training and tapering.
- 2001: Neural control of force output during maximal and submaximal exercise.
- 2001: A novel stimulation pattern improves performance during repetitive dynamic contractions.
- 2001: A new approach to monitoring exercise training.
- 2001: Barefoot Running
- 2000: Effect of mild dehydration on the lactate threshold in women.
- 1999: What functions do reflexes serve during human locomotion?
- 1998: Physical activity patterns associated with cardiorespiratory fitness and reduced mortality: the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study.
- 1996: Reproducibility of low resting testosterone concentrations in endurance trained men
- 1995: Recovery of power output and muscle metabolites following 30 s of maximal sprint cycling in man.
- 1994: Postural effects on intra-abdominal pressure during Valsalva maneuver.
- 1993: The effects of active and passive recovery on short-term, high intensity power output.
- 1992: Fat metabolism, exercise, and the cold.
- 1986: Analysis of EMG measurements during bicycle pedalling.
- 1982: A comparison of combined running and weight training with circuit weight training.
Power Training
- 2005: Short-term effects on lower-body functional power development: weightlifting vs. vertical jump training programs.
- 2005: Short-term effects of selected exercise and load in contrast training on vertical jump performance.
- 2003: Acute negative effect of a hypertrophy-oriented training bout on subsequent upper-body power output.
- 2002: Effects of power and flexibility training on vertical jump technique.
- 2001: Acute effects of stretching are not evident in the kinematics of the vertical jump.
- 2001: Developing explosive power: a comparison of technique and training.
- 2001: Magnitude and decay of stretch-induced enhancement of power output.
- 2000: Effects of plyometric jump training on bone mass in adolescent girls.
- 1999: Effects of ballistic training on preseason preparation of elite volleyball players.
- 1998: The effects of serial stretch loading on stretch work and stretch-shorten cycle performance in the knee musculature.
- 1997: Plyometric training in female athletes. Decreased impact forces and increased hamstring torques.
- 1994: Optimal drop heights for plyometric training.
- 1993: Changes in rowing ergometer, weight lifting, vertical jump and isokinetic performance in response to standard and standard plus plyometric training programs.
Stretching & Flexibility
- 2004: The impact of stretching on sports injury risk: a systematic review of the literature.2003: Impact of prior exercise on hamstring flexibility: a comparison of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and static stretching.
- 2003: Effect of static stretching of the biceps brachii on torque, electromyography, and mechanomyography during concentric isokinetic muscle actions.
- 2003: Effect of static stretching on prevention of injuries for military recruits.
- 2003: Effects of running, static stretching and practice jumps on explosive force production and jumping performance.
- 2002: Running economy is negatively related to sit-and-reach test performance in international-standard distance runners.
- 2001: Efficacy of moist heat pack application over static stretching on hamstring flexibility.
- 1999: Stretching before exercise does not reduce the risk of local muscle injury: a critical review of the clinical and basic science literature.
- 1999: Effect of stretching duration on active and passive range of motion in the lower extremity.
- 1998: Passive properties of human skeletal muscle during stretch maneuvers. A review.
- 1998: The role of mechanical and neural restraints to joint range of motion during passive stretch.
- 1998: The effect of static stretch and dynamic range of motion training on the flexibility of the hamstring muscles.
- 1997: Flexibility and its effects on sports injury and performance.
- 1997: Effects of contract-relax stretching training on muscle performance in athletes.
- 1997: The effect of time and frequency of static stretching on flexibility of the hamstring muscles.
- 1997: The effect of strength and flexibility training on skeletal muscle electromyographic activity, stiffness, and viscoelastic stress relaxation response.
- 1997: Influences of strength, stretching and circulatory exercises on flexibility parameters of the human hamstrings.
- 1997: Determinants of musculoskeletal flexibility: viscoelastic properties, cross-sectional area, EMG and stretch tolerance.
- 1996: The association between flexibility and running economy in sub-elite male distance runners.
- 1994: The effect of time on static stretch on the flexibility of the hamstring muscles.
- 1994: Effect of hamstring stretching on hamstring muscle performance.
- 1994: The effect of therapeutic muscle stretch on neural processing.
- 1992: Effect of pelvic position and stretching method on hamstring muscle flexibility.
- 1992: The effects of cold application and modified PNF stretching techniques on hip joint flexibility in college males.
- 1992: Stretch shorten cycle performance enhancement through flexibility training.
- 1991: The relationship between isometric contraction durations and improvement in shoulder joint range of motion.
- 1990: Viscoelastic properties of muscle-tendon units. The biomechanical effects of stretching.
- 1987: Optimal duration of static stretching exercises for improvement of coxo-femoral flexibility.
- 1985: Improvement of muscle flexibility. A comparison between two techniques.
- 1985: Warming-up and stretching for improved physical performance and prevention of sports-related injuries.
- 2007: Endurance running and digit ratio (2D:4D): implications for fetal testosterone effects on running speed and vascular health.
- 2007: Second to fourth digit length ratio (2D:4D) and adult sex hormone levels: new data and a meta-analytic review.
- 2004: Maximal strength and power assessment in novice weight trainers.
- 2004: Overweight athlete: fact or fiction?
- 2003: Interpreting the results of fitness testing. (PDF)
- 2002: A multistage field test of wheelchair users for evaluation of fitness and prediction of peak oxygen consumption.
- 2001: A new approach to monitoring exercise training.
- 2001: Tests of cycling performance.
- 2000: Evaluation of the strength-size relationship in vivo using various muscle size indices.
- 2000: Total body fat does not influence maximal aerobic capacity.
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