Yohimbine (Yohimbe Extract)

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Updated: September 10 2013
What Is It?
Yohimbine (yohimbe, corynanthe yohimbe, yohimbe bark, aphordine, corynine, hydroaergotocin, and quebrachine) is a fat-burning compound, mild MAO-inhibitor, stimulant, aphrodisiac, and erectile dysfunction medicine (prescription medicine). Yohimbine increases epinephrine (adrenaline) levels in the body and inhibits regulatory process found on fat cells that is normally suppressive of fat burning. [3]


Sources of Yohimbine
Yohimbine is found naturally as an alkaloid in the Pausinystalia yohimbe tree (Corynanthe yohimbe), Rauwolfia Serpentina, and Rauwolfia family of plants. [1]
What Does Research (Human Studies) Say?
1. Increases erections; small effect; may be due to a combination of alpha-2-adrenergic antagonism (enhancing relaxation of the penile tissue so engorgement of blood can ensure) and increasing blood pressure (which would increase the amount of force in an erection). [1]  
2. Decreases fat mass; notable effect but limited evidence; appears to affect both obese and lean individuals. [4]  
3. Decreases symptoms of phobia; small effect and limited evidence; probably due to norepinephrine (noradrenaline) release, causing densensitization to the stress response. [9,10]
4. Increases cortisol; small effect[11,12]   
5. Increases anxiety; small and unreliable effect[11,12]   
6. Increases heart rate (HR); small and unreliable effect; due to stimulatory effect[11,13]   
7. Increases blood pressure (BP); small and unreliable effect; due to stimulatory effect[11,13]   
8. Increases alcohol dependence; small effect; via injections of yohimbine; increase cravings for alcohol; not demonstrated with oral intake[12]  
9. Decreases symptoms of orthostatic hypotension (light headedness upon rapidly standing up); small effect[14]  
10. Decreases cerebral blood flow; small effect[13]  
11. Increases penile girth; small effect[15]  
12. No/non-significant effect on lean mass[4]  
13. No/non-significant effect on power output. [4]  
14. No/non-significant effect on rate of gastric emptying. [16]  
15. No/non-significant effect on testosterone. [15]  


May aid weight loss and be used in erectile dysfunction (ED).
Verdict: May be added to your supplement stack
Recommended Dosage (Used in the Studies)
1. Fat burn (decrease in fat mass): 0.2mg/kg bodyweight may be effective without cardiovascular side effects (heart rate, blood pressure, etc.). 

Where Can You Buy This Supplement?

Amazon.com; Bodybuilding.com

Side Effects of This Supplement

1. 5.4mg - 10mg / three times a day: nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness, and nervousness. [5]  
2. 15-20mg  / three times a day: rapid heart rate, irregular heartbeat, and hypertension. [6,7]  
3. Other: acute neurotoxicity (with 5,000mg), [8] elevated blood pressure, heart rate, and glucose, agitation, and anxiety (300mg) [3].


1. Spectrophotometric determination of Rauwolfia alkaloids: estimation of reserpine in pharmaceuticals.
2. Yohimbine for erectile dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
3. Yohimbine use for physical enhancement and its potential toxicity.
6. Yohimbine: a new street drug.
7. Autonomic and psychic effects of yohimbine hydrochloride.

8. Acute neurotoxicity after yohimbine ingestion by a body builder.
9. Does yohimbine hydrochloride facilitate fear extinction in virtual reality treatment of fear of flying? A randomized placebo-controlled trial
10. Facilitation of fear extinction in phobic participants with a novel cognitive enhancer: a randomized placebo controlled trial of yohimbine augmentation

11. Psychological and neuroendocrine responses to social stress and to the administration of the alpha-2-receptor antagonist, yohimbine, in highly trained endurance athletes in comparison to untrained healthy controls
12. Pharmacologically induced alcohol craving in treatment seeking alcoholics correlates with alcoholism severity, but is insensitive to acamprosate
13. Effects of yohimbine on cerebral blood flow, symptoms, and physiological functions in humans
15. Yohimbine treatment of organic erectile dysfunction in a dose-escalation trial
16. Effect of anti-obesity drugs promoting energy expenditure, yohimbine and ephedrine, on gastric emptying in obese patients

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